Các đối tác, sự kiện VietnamMarcom đã Tổ chức, đồng hành, đại diện từ năm 2001
Các đối tác, sự kiện VietnamMarcom đã Tổ chức, đồng hành, đại diện từ năm 2001
Các đối tác, sự kiện VietnamMarcom đã Tổ chức, đồng hành, đại diện từ năm 2001

Đối tác, dự án trong hành trình hơn 20 năm qua của VietnamMarcom Our Partners - Since 2001

eWorld Marketing Summit, CMO World Forum, Global Brand Forum, World Brand Congress, Vietnam Marketing Summit 4.0; 5.0, LEAD: Loyalty-Experience-Analytic – Digital – Professional Brand Communications,
Brand Equity Management, Digital Branding,  Vietnam Marketing Conference,  Kotler Awards, The Big Show, Social Marketing Exhibition and Conferences…

New York Festivals

It’s all about the work. Our six international awards competitions honor and recognize the World’s Best Work and the men and women who create it. We celebrate the exceptional and innovative content being created today.

Kotler Awards

Kotler Awards are designed to enhance the competitiveness of the national industry by encouraging and spreading examples of individuals and companies that create innovative customer values and achieve successful market performance through various marketing competitiveness enhancement activities.


ADFEST is Asia’s most celebrated regional creative festival. ADFEST not only raises the standard of creative excellence in the region, it also celebrates the uniqueness of local culture. ADFEST is 1 of only 8 regional creative festivals included in the WARC 100 Creative Rankings.

e World Marketing Summit

Learn from 101+ world-class leaders on November 06 & 07th, 2022. In today’s critical times, businesses need inspiration, guidance, and leadership to proceed into the future. Our 101+ speakers are leaders in business, marketing, digital and social media, branding, and all related areas. The e-World Marketing Summit, the brainchild of the father of marketing 
Professor Dr. Philip Kotler unites innovative minds from the corporate, public, non-profit, and academia spheres  to explore ways to integrate marketing solutions to meet sustainability goals.

Vietnam Marketing Summit


Những mô hình tiếp thị kinh doanh sáng tạo, hiệu quả, bền vững. Những chiến lược tiếp thị, và quản trị tiếp thị chiến lược cho tăng trưởng thời khủng hoảng. Chuyển đổi Tiếp thị Số cho SME và Marketers. Đào tạo, phát triển nguồn nhân lực Marketing kỷ nguyên số. Tương lai của Tiếp thị.

Sustainability Excellence Global

With a vision to create “Better World, Better Life by Best practices of Corporate and Citizen Social Responsibility.”, Sustainability Excellence Global is designed as a learning hub to showcase excellent Sustainable Solutions & Impactful CSR Projects of The World and connect related stakeholders in the industry including companies, government agencies, business groups, schools and individuals across the world to drive positive changes, promote their projects & campaigns and to share their perspectives, best practices and potentially life-changing stories.

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